

The tourist capital of Montenegro

About Budva

Budva has a long history, dating back to ancient times, when it was a Roman and Venetian port. Today, the town is home to several landmarks and attractions that reflect its rich history, including the Budva Citadel, a well-preserved medieval fortress with panoramic views of the town and the sea, and the Church of Santa Maria in Punta, a beautiful Romanesque church with frescoes and mosaics.

The town is also home to several museums and galleries, which offer a glimpse into the region’s history and culture. In addition to its historical and cultural attractions, Budva is also known for its beautiful beaches, which are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. It is also a vibrant and lively town, with a thriving nightlife scene and a variety of bars, clubs, and restaurants that offer something for everyone.

Popular Spot

The island of Sveti Stefan is connected to the mainland by a narrow causeway and is home to a small, well-preserved medieval village. The village is home to several landmarks and attractions, including the Church of St. Stefan and its old town, which offers panoramic views of the Budva Riviera. In addition to its rich history and cultural heritage, Sveti Stefan is also known for its luxurious amenities and high-end lifestyle. The island is home to the Aman Sveti Stefan resort, which offers a range of luxury accommodations and facilities, including a spa, fitness center, and several restaurants and bars. Once a shelter for the locals during attacks of pirates, today it is a luxurious hotel with private access for exclusive guests.

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